Our story


Success Stories

  • Comprehensive psychometric analyses: equating, scale building, dimensionality analyses, standard setting, IRT, CTT, advisory roles for client to help inform policy decisions. Assessing the impact of professional development on student achievement.
  • Help improve technical documentation for a series of college credit exams.
  • Item bank maintenance and psychometric scale creation for college placement exam, as well as evaluated technical issue in test design and delivery.
  • Provided psychometric consultation regarding field test design, conducted comprehensive scale building and test form creation, including CTT and innovative solutions for test equating using small samples.
  • Provided psychometric consultation regarding field test design, conducted comprehensive scale building and test form creation, including CTT and innovative solutions for test equating using small samples.
  • Provided consultation services for implementation for creating and implementing a computerized adaptive test. Advised on best practices for form construction, data collection, and psychometric analysis plan. Provided analysis for field test items.
  • Evaluated population invariance of the equating at the state level for nationally administered assessment program.
  • Evaluated the effectiveness of teaching protocols on student self-efficacy as well as student achievement.
  • Provided analysis to implement a new return on investment (ROI) model to try to assess the most effective market drivers.

Clients & Partners

image The Higher Education Assessment Foundation is striving to democratize access to higher education in the Philippines.
image The Defense Language and National Security Education Office leads the nation in recruiting, training, sustaining, and enhancing language and culture capabilities to ensure national security and defense readiness.
image psyML is a company borne from the growing need to better understand the psychological states of people acting online, as human interaction becomes increasingly digital. As we use technologies like facebook, google, and the thousands of other online consumer services with increasing regularity, it is socially important and measurably valuable to include systems that account for the individual human, who is currently lost in the analytical ocean of directed clicks.